
the fashion ramblings of a 21-year-old wonderlust king

Category: Rants & Ramblings

BLOGVEMBER: Because I’m Not Going to Stress Over NaNo This Year

BLOGVEMBER: Fall in the Pacific Northwest

Starting off one day behind, but I’m fixed to make it up. I’ve decided to pump some life back into this blog with a blog every day November challenge starting NOW. Expect fashion and lifestyle posts.

In the recent year I have: moved to Seattle, WA and purchased a house, so there is a lot of new happening and I’m excited for all the project opportunities (and the ability to wear WINTER clothing) that it presents.

Talk to you tomorrow.


PHOTOGRAPHY: Fake It ‘Till You Make It

As you have seen from my outfit posts, I am not a photographer. I’ve never had ‘the eye’ or any ‘eye’ whatsoever for the amazing art of capturing life on film. However, as a media and social media person, I know learning how to take at least decent photos is a skill I should really acquire. So instead of sitting down to read the 400-page instruction booklet that came with my camera, I decided to check out other blogs to see what makes their photographs captivating. I realized that it’s all about the natural lighting and the focus. My camera(a Nikon D5000) only has one lens, so I was out to ‘fake it ’till I make it’ (the advice I give everyone for everything). Taking close-up shots was the best way I could make my photographs look artsy and worthy of any pride, so I stuck with those. I used natural lighting then brightened them up a bit in Photoshop if necessary. These are the shots I took for one of my clients for an upcoming Quilt Run. See the rest of this set here.


Here are some more  scenic photographs from my road trip.

Rocky Arizona
Entering Utah
Hurricane, Utah
Southern Utah Jeep Tour
Utah Fire Remnants
Utah Hills

Read the rest of this entry »


  • This post from Emily called “Here we see a blogger in her natural habitat,” is all so true. Worth a lol.
  • This one is hyper-local, but did you know the Toronto Burlesque Festival is this weekend?! Also, if you aren’t in TO, it’s streaming! If you are in TO, you should check out Burlesque U; I’m so temped to take a class!

  • If you haven’t heard the first two songs released by Stars from their upcoming album, The North, get on it. They’re both so different and both so incredible. In fact, they’re on repeat right now.
  • Wise words from Brian Moloko of Placebo. These fit nicely with that Rabbit White article I posted a while back.
  • The One Year Wardrobe Project by J.D.Roth is a great idea for weeding out the neglected clothing in your closet and getting rid of it once and for all! He also gives great tips for why you shouldn’t feel guilty about it.
  • The movie I can’t wait to see? Excision.

Pauline wishes that reconnecting with her mother was as easy as picking scabs. Or that fixing her sisters lung disorder was as simple as dissecting road kill. Maybe the other girls at school would be nicer to her if they knew she fantasized about performing surgery on them…

     Need I say more?


Since you last heard from me, I’ve fled the country… temporarily. At the start of July, my boyfriend and I set off on a roadtrip across the United States with destination Toronto, Ontario as the main goal. We broke down in Hurricane Utah for far longer than I’d like which dampened our trip a bit, but we still managed to have an adventure.